Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Here Come the Judge!

Hello there!

Just to catch you up on some of the pre-zine fun we're having . . .

The Robot's winning.

Tonight we met at Winning Coffee for Word Game Night! It's sounds as exciting as it sounds! Really-- it's fun to think about words, taste the flavor of the sound in your mouth, watch the movie of your life in short blasts of memory, concepts . . . Marcel Proust would LOVE this game,  considering the questionnaires he filled out. We had Mad Libs, Scrabble, Boggle and more to choose from. We decided to go with Apples to Apples.

Things started slowly with just three players, which is only slightly harder to play than with the suggested four or more. See, it goes like this: a player (the judge) pulls a green apple card from the deck, the other players choose the card from their hand that most represents the word on the green card from the perspective of the judge. Truth is, it's not about what's on the green card, it's about how the judge FEELS about the choices that complement or contradict the green apple card. Yeah, it's a cool game. Gotsta know your judge.  Here come the JUDGE got said, A LOT. . . 

We started out with just three players, one judge, two players-- which makes it a little challenging to conceal the player's cards. As judge, we took turns covering our eyes while the the other players threw down a card. After a few rounds, we added three more players and things got good. Lots of throwing down cards and sarcastic remarks. It was pretty fun all around. We didn't quite shut down Winning, but for a Tuesday night, we got dangerously close, and a little bit loud.

Clouds for You . . .

No thunder tonight-- but it rained a mighty storm for awhile today in ABQ, and during our Game Night. This prompted Marya Errin Jones to make a short video of the mini zine she created while tabling at the Portland Zine Symposium in August. Each of the organizers got one-- here's the animated version, for you:

We're teaching a mini zine workshop at Albuquerque Mini Maker Faire on Sunday, September 23rd in Civic Plaza from 10am to 3pm -- we hope you'll stop by and play.

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